The Effects Of Physical Activity In Children's Character

January 13, 2024

As a parent, you want your children to grow up with certain qualities like perseverance and effort. Physical activity is an effective way to instill these values, but children may resist if they feel that sports are the only means to achieve them. Nonetheless, participating in physical activities can have many positive effects on a child’s character, helping them develop valuable skills that will aid them well throughout their adult lives. 


When children get to work together in a team, they learn how to communicate with others and collaborate towards a common goal. Not only does this foster better communication skills, but it also fosters an understanding of the importance of each member’s role on a team. 

Children who are encouraged by this can often put in more effort and persevere with any difficulties they may be having. They will learn to solve problems and work together.


During physical activities like team sports, children have opportunities to take on leadership roles. Whether they do this as a mentor to younger players or as a team captain to the whole group, they can develop their confidence, decision-making ability, and capacity to motivate and inspire.

Some children may not feel the need to take on a designated leadership position in their team. However, they can still demonstrate leadership qualities by setting an example for others and showing persistence and determination in their collaborative efforts. These children understand that leadership is not just about holding a title but also about embodying certain traits and values that inspire and motivate others. By consistently exhibiting these qualities, these children are able to effectively lead their team toward success and foster a positive and productive group dynamic.


When participating in group activities, children are required to concentrate on the task at hand. Working as a team can help them improve their focus, which will not only benefit their physical sports but also their performance in school and other activities. This improved focus can lead to better academic performance overall.

Exploring the Additional Positives of Physical Activity for Children

Physical activities offer numerous benefits to children, ranging from physical to mental. Additionally, we will discuss other positive outcomes of physical activities for children, including stress management, time management, and improved self-esteem.

Releasing Pent-up Energy

Regular participation in physical activities such as swimming, dance, or gymnastics can significantly aid in managing the restlessness and hyperactivity of children. It is important to note that hyperactivity is not always indicative of ADHD and can manifest in children who do not have the condition.

Stress Management

Children can easily become stressed. However, physical activity provides a healthy outlet for that kind of stress. This allows children to manage their emotions effectively, leading to a reduction in behavioral issues that are related to frustration and stress buildup.

If you are looking for something that will positively impact your child’s development, then physical activity can be a great option. It can encourage perseverance and help your child to develop new skills.

Improving Self Esteem

When children perform well and receive high praise for their achievements, they experience a sense of joy and satisfaction knowing they have accomplished something right. Physical progress and skill development through sports and other activities can significantly enhance a child’s self-confidence. 

As a result, they will feel more capable and accomplished, not only in athletic pursuits but also in other aspects of their life.

Time Management

Participating in sports and physical activity can offer excellent benefits to children, including time management and discipline. When children engage in sports, they learn to balance their sporting activities with other responsibilities, which requires a lot of effort. 

Children learn to prioritize tasks more efficiently through programs like dance, swimming, and gymnastics. They understand the importance of preparing their things for specific classes and class times, which helps them balance their homework and school schedules. These skills can translate into adulthood and help them become more organized and productive individuals.

Encouraging Physical Activity in Children for a Brighter Future

Join America’s Kids In Motion today and give your child the opportunity to be part of a fantastic program that promotes physical activity, teamwork, and fun! Our experienced team is dedicated to providing your child with a safe and supportive environment to build their physical abilities, character, and social skills. 

From swimming to dance to gymnastics and more, our programs offer something for everyone, regardless of age or skill level. Register today and give your child the gift of a lifetime – a healthy, happy, and active lifestyle that will stay with them for years to come!