How To Prepare Your Children For Preschool

September 7, 2023

Transitioning from home to preschool can be a significant milestone in your child’s life. This is an exciting time filled with new experiences and opportunities for growth, but it can also be a source of some separation anxiety. Beyond buying backpacks and lunchboxes, preparing your child for preschool requires nurturing their social, emotional, and cognitive development to ensure they feel prepared for a smooth transition into an academic setting.

Start Early

Early preparation can help ease your child’s mind and prepare them for preschool long before they begin classes. Start discussing preschool with your child a few months before their first day. Keep the conversation positive and highlight the fun activities and new friends they’ll make to help reduce their anxiety and make them more eager to start this new adventure.

Visit the Preschool

If possible, arrange a visit before the first day. This allows your child to

become familiar with the environment and meet their teacher, maybe even some of their classmates. It will also help you gauge the atmosphere, ask questions, and establish a line of communication with your child’s teacher.

Create a Routine

Establish a consistent daily routine that mimics the preschool schedule. This routine could include regular wake-up times, meals, and nap schedules. Consistency at home can help your child adjust to the structured preschool schedule more easily.

Teach Independence

Preschool promotes independence, so start teaching your child basic self-help skills. Help them learn to dress themselves, use the restroom independently, and tidy up after playtime. These skills will help them feel more confident in a school setting where these skills will often be expected.

Social Interaction

Preschool is a great place for children to develop social skills. Organize playdates with other children to help your child become more comfortable in group settings and teach them how to take turns, share, and communicate their feelings. You may even be able to set up a playdate with a classmate so that your child has someone they know and feel comfortable around before preschool begins.

Practice Separation

If your child hasn’t spent much time away from you, practice short separations. Leaving them with a trusted caregiver or family member for progressively longer periods will help your child adjust to the idea of being away from you at preschool. Here are some additional parent-tested tips for easing separation anxiety.

Tips for the First Day

In addition to planning ahead and starting early, there are some things that parents can do to set up their child for success on the first day of preschool. These tips are a great start to ensure your child feels confident and ready to tackle the first day away from home.

Label Belongings

Preschool can be a busy place, and children often have similar belongings. Label your child’s backpack, lunchbox, and clothing to avoid mix-ups and make them feel more secure about their belongings.

Have a “Goodbye Plan”

UNICEF acknowledges that saying goodbye can be difficult for children who may experience separation anxiety. By creating a short “plan” for saying goodbye, whether that be a secret handshake or a quick song, you can assure your child that they will see you again later.

Send a Comfort Item

Even after months of preparation, preschool can be stressful for children. Also known as a “transitional object,” comfort items such as a blanket, toy, or stuffed animal can reassure children and help them feel confident entering the new space. Check with the school first to see if any particular comfort items are discouraged.

Pack Nutritious Food

A well-balanced diet is essential for a child’s growth and development. With hours of activities and learning, your child will need to keep their energy high during the day, so packing nutritious food is a must.


Establish open lines of communication with your child’s teacher. Share any relevant information about your child’s needs, interests, and any concerns you may have. Regular communication with the teacher can help address any issues promptly.

Ready to Enroll Your Child in Preschool?

Preparing your child for preschool is a multifaceted process that encompasses emotional, social, and cognitive development. Starting early and building a positive attitude around the experience can help your child prepare for this new and exciting challenge.

The Campus Preschool at America’s Kids in Motion in Clovis, CA, prides itself on the quality of its education. Our experienced teachers work with children in small groups to ensure that each student receives individualized attention. To learn more about our early educational programs for children in Fresno County, visit our program page.