The Role of Gymnastics in Early Childhood Development

April 26, 2023

Gymnastics is a great way for kids to develop their physical, emotional, and social skills. By participating in this exciting and challenging sport, children can improve their coordination and balance, build strength, meet new friends, and more.

Starting any new sport or activity can be daunting for children and leave parents with questions. In this article, we will discuss how your child could benefit from gymnastics, what makes a proper routine, and how to get started.

Physical, Emotional, and Social Development

When we watch impressive routines by the likes of Shawn Johnson, Simone Biles, and Sam Mikulak, we are wowed by stunning feats of athleticism. However, while gymnasts can eventually progress to elite levels of competition, children first begin gymnastics classes focusing on improving coordination, balance, and strength at a safe and sustainable pace.

Beyond the physical, gymnastics can help children develop self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of accomplishment. By learning new skills and achieving new milestones, children can gain a sense of pride in their abilities, which can positively impact their emotional well-being.

Children can also develop their social skills and learn how to interact with others through group activities. Gymnastics can help children develop teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. Additionally, the structure of the classes can help children develop a sense of discipline and learn how to handle critiques and adjustments provided by coaches.

The Proper Age to Start Gymnastics

While it’s never too late to start gymnastics, the earlier your child can begin classes, the sooner they can begin to develop the strength and technique necessary to advance to more challenging levels. Most gymnastics programs do not recommend starting independent classes before three to five years old. At this age, they have developed enough physical and cognitive abilities to participate in the basic movements and routines required in gymnastics.

If a child is older than five, they certainly have not missed out! Children can begin gymnastics at any age, understanding that the later they start, the harder it will be to “catch up” to other athletes if they are interested in performing at elite levels of competition. Some children in their teens and preteens join gymnastics classes to learn new skills or techniques transferable to other activities like cheerleading.

At America’s Kids in Motion in Clovis, California, we offer classes starting as young as preschool. Additionally, Parent & Child classes are great for even younger children to stimulate their senses and develop gross motor skills. During these formative growth years, a toddler’s brain is rapidly building neural pathways that stimulate cognitive development. These connections are later presented as a child is learning to read and perform other advanced academic tasks that require use of both cerebral hemispheres.  

The Best Gymnastics Routines for Kids

When selecting the best gymnastics routines for kids, it’s important to consider their age, abilities, and interests. For example, younger children may benefit from basic movements and exercises that focus on balance and coordination, such as forward rolls, cartwheels, and handstands.

As children progress in their skills and abilities, they can learn more complex routines, including flips, jumps, and more advanced movements. New gymnastics routines should challenge children while allowing them to progress at their own pace.

To ensure that every young athlete builds a successful foundation to progress safely, USA Gymnastics has created Development Programs for both men’s and women’s competitions. While the specific rules vary, both programs divide competitions and skills into levels between 1-10, with 1 being the most simple and 10 being the most advanced level of competition. Athletes must perform satisfactorily in each level at a sanctioned competition before progressing to the next.

Work with a Certified Coach

The most impactful way to pick the proper routine for your child is to work directly with a trained and experienced gymnastics coach. A good coach can work alongside your child to objectively assess their strengths and weaknesses and build routines that showcase their potential while monitoring their safety.

The coaches at our gyms in Fresno County have years of experience in helping children of all skill levels learn and progress while having a great time. Our Excel Gymnastics program can meet the needs of beginners or advanced athletes looking to hone their skills and compete in a nationally recognized USAG competitive gymnastics program. Contact our team today to learn more about our class offerings.

Gymnastics can be a valuable activity for children of all ages. By promoting physical, emotional, and social development, gymnastics can help children build skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Whether they are just beginning or have been participating in gymnastics for years, children can benefit from the discipline, focus, and fun of this exciting sport.